Parent Nutrition

Two boys making pizzas in school

Reducing Sugar in Children’s Meals and Snacks

Eating well is important in the early years, as it helps children to establish healthy eating behaviours which supports their growth, development and learning. Supporting children to eat a wide variety of foods helps them to develop good eating habits which they can take with them into their school years and beyond. In this blog…

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Baby Eating Smooth Foods off a spoon

Baby Breakfast Ideas

Baby Breakfast Ideas In this blog we take a look at some easy and tasty baby breakfast ideas. Breakfast times are a great opportunity to provide your little one with a variety of foods. It’s also a great time to introduce a range of tastes and textures- from smooth, to lumpy and finger foods. Find…

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Family Breakfast Ideas

A nutritious breakfast is a great way to fuel the start of your day. We know mornings can be a busy time for most families, so we’ve put together some of our favourite quick and tasty recipes! What should I do if my little one doesn’t like to eat breakfast? Lots of adults and children…

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Muslim mother accessing breastfeeding support on her phone

Feeding Babies at Nursery

As a nursery or childminding setting, you play a central role in feeding babies and establishing healthy eating habits from an early age. Your staff are also well placed to provide baby feeding information to families, due to the frequency of contact you have with them. It’s really important for your setting to have an…

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Selection of Healthy Food

Nutrition and Fertility

We often get asked about nutrition for fertility, so in this blog we’ll take a look at healthy eating to support overall health and well-being. Can nutrition affect fertility? There are many factors that can affect your chances of getting pregnant and it’s not just down to food alone. It can be affected by age,…

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Feed Your Family On A Budget

The increase in the cost of living is affecting a lot of families, and many of us are making cut-backs  in a bid to save money. In this blog we discuss tips on how to save money on food and feed your family on a budget. Feed Your Family On A Budget- Planning Plan your…

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Plate with a knife and fork

Portion Size Guide for Adults and Children

It’s important for us to eat a variety of foods from the four main food groups to ensure we get all the nutrients we need. However, it can be tricky to know how much is enough. That’s why we’ve created this blog, to help outline portion size guidance for adults and children and provide some…

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Child drinking from an open-top cup

Choosing a Cup for your Baby

Introducing your baby to a cup is an important step as it requires them to sip. This helps them to develop the muscles in and around their face and mouth which are helpful for biting, chewing and talking. This blog will support you in choosing the right cup for your baby.  Current guidelines recommend (opens…

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Snack Ideas for Children

One of the most common requests we receive from parents here at Early Start Nutrition, is for snack ideas for children. In this blog we explore how to incorporate snacks into your little ones mealtime routine, how to plan healthy snacks and which foods to include.  As part of a healthy meal routine, try to…

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Planning Vegetarian Meals for Children

Vegetarian meals and snacks are suitable for children as long as they’re planned to include a wide range of foods to meet their nutritional needs. Vegetarian meals have become popular choices for many families and their children. Some of the main reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet is due to dietary preferences, as a way…

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