
Baby sitting in a highchair eating and holding spoon

Weaning Babies at Nursery

As a nursery or childminder, you play a central role in feeding babies and establishing healthy eating habits from an early age. You can also provide families with encouragement and support throughout their baby’s weaning journey and help to achieve a consistent approach to weaning at nursery and home. Read on to find out more…

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highchair, bowl and cup

Weaning Equipment

Let’s review some of the weaning equipment that’s useful in helping to take the stress out of weaning and get you started.  Babies can be introduced to solid foods when they are developmentally ready, around 6 months. You’ll need a few key pieces of equipment to prepare meals and a few basic items to support…

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Two boys making pizzas in school

Reducing Sugar in Children’s Meals and Snacks

Eating well is important in the early years, as it helps children to establish healthy eating behaviours which supports their growth, development and learning. Supporting children to eat a wide variety of foods helps them to develop good eating habits which they can take with them into their school years and beyond. In this blog…

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Baby Eating Smooth Foods off a spoon

Baby Breakfast Ideas

Baby Breakfast Ideas In this blog we take a look at some easy and tasty baby breakfast ideas. Breakfast times are a great opportunity to provide your little one with a variety of foods. It’s also a great time to introduce a range of tastes and textures- from smooth, to lumpy and finger foods. Find…

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Muslim mother accessing breastfeeding support on her phone

Feeding Babies at Nursery

As a nursery or childminding setting, you play a central role in feeding babies and establishing healthy eating habits from an early age. Your staff are also well placed to provide baby feeding information to families, due to the frequency of contact you have with them. It’s really important for your setting to have an…

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Child eating at nursery

Mealtime Environment in your Early Years Setting

A positive mealtime environment in your early years setting provides opportunities for children to learn about food and the importance of making nutritious choices.  The revised Early Years Foundation Stage framework (opens in new tab) learning and development requirements, emphasise the importance of supporting children to learn how to look after their bodies, including how…

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Food Budgeting for Early Years Settings

Food inflation is having an impact on early years settings budgets, including food budgeting costs. The early years are an important time to give children the best start in life and to ensure they start school a healthy weight. Your nursery and childminding settings play an important role in supporting children to receive vital nutrition while…

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